Monday, July 30, 2007

Farewell Dawn, Owen and Olivia

Well the day has come for my aunt and cousins to return to Germany. Although we wish they were here all the time, we know they love it at home too and are probably very happy to be on the plane going back as I speak. :) We met at my aunt's sister Doreen's house for a BBQ and to say goodbye. I think Jeffrey will miss them a lot! :)

John, Jeffrey and Olivia

Me, Olivia and Jeffrey

Jeffrey and those BIG eyes! :)

Olivia, Me, Owen and Jeffrey

More pictures from the Evening

Here are a few more pictures of Jeffrey with Aunt Dawn and myself.

Jeffrey, "Please Aunt Dawn, don't go."

We'll see you next year!!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Thanks to everyone who visited our launch on the world wide web. Keep checking back for more pictures and to find out what's happening in our neck of the woods.
Yesterday, we got back from a four day weekend at Cresent Bar with good friends Jared and Anneliese and their two children Cora and Mieka. We had a wonderful time except for when John threw his back out waterskiing. He was so hurt he spent most of one day in bed and the rest of the time sitting in one chair or another. He's getting around OK now, but really stiff.
Mieka is one month younger then Jeffrey - they had fun together. Our families spent time together last year at Cresent Bar, but that was pre-babies. All we had was Cora. This summer will be remembered as the summer of babies with night feedings and everyone in bed by 10 or 11. We weren't up till the wee hours drinking and playing games this year. :) It was nice to be with good company, have John around for four days in a row (even though he was disabled), and soak in some warm sun!!
Today, I unpacked a bit around the house and played with Jeffrey. When John came home we packed up and went to a park in Issaquah to hear some live music and have dinner. The following pictures are John and Jeffrey at the park and then Jeffrey sacked out at home waiting to go to bed.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

What a weekend we just had. John's sister Lauri, husband Renato, and kids Sofia and Zachary came to visit. Jeffrey and Zachary are only a month a part, and can you tell which one is older? I bet you guessed the wrong one. Jeffrey is quite large for his age and is actually a month younger then his cousin Zachary.

This weekend was the first time our families have spent time together since the boys were born and we trully hope it happens more frequently even though they live in the Bay Area and we live in the Seattle area.

These first set of pictures are of the boys getting well aquainted standing side by side. We had just finished eating Ivars fish and chips on the beach. One of our favorite lunch spots.

"Hey Jeffrey, look at my feet!!"
"No, you have to pick em up like this Zach"

Hey, you boys been drinking?

And then we have Sofia who found some clean dirt while we played with the babies.

Not only did we have family here over the weekend, but our good friends Leah and Anthony had family in the area as well. We were lucky enough to catch Jennifer, Matthew and Lauren on their annual trip to Seattle from Las Vegas. This was their first time meeting Jeffrey. We took a ferry to Bainbridge Island for the afternoon where we had dinner by the water and had a wonderful time catching up with our ol' pals. :)

Matthew and Jeffrey

Matthew, Lauren and Jeffrey

Lauren and Matthew

Jeffrey, as cute as can be. :)
Here are a few more pictures of Sofia and Zachary's visit.

Sofia's first bus ride on the way to the Street of Dreams.

Zach in the Bumbo giving Jeffrey the staredown.

Sofia taking care of the babies. She's very good and gentle with both Zach and Jeffrey. She's only two and says she's not a "big girl" but a "little girl and a big sister".

The dads trying to figure out the hightech baby gear.

On Sunday, before everyone went home, John's family met at Grandpa Russ and Grandma Mary's house for a BBQ.

Great Grandma Vi, Aunt Lauri, Grandpa, Dad, Sofia, Zachary and Jeffrey
The Four Generations

Aunt Lauri, Grandpa, Dad, Zachary and Jeffrey

Notice the babies half asleep at this point. :)

Grandpa, Dad, Great Grandma Vi and Jeffrey

This picture was taken during a visit with my parents who live by Spokane. We were strolling around the neighborhood and Jeffrey was in the best mood! :)

A few weeks ago we received this adorable chair in the mail from Stephanie. Jeffrey isn't sitting up yet, but this seat for babies allows him to do so.

Not sure what to do with this.

Catching on.

Not so bad! :)