Wednesday, March 12, 2008

And we're back

Hello everyone that's been following our story. Yes, it has been sometime. Honestly, I just got sooo far behind I didn't want to spend the time to catch up. Well I just made the decision to start with more recent news and photos, and if I get a chance I'll throw in some holiday pictures I didn't get around to posting.
It seems like Halloween came around at the end of October and we've been going ever since with one holiday or event after another. Jeffrey has gone through so many changes in the mean time. He's turning one at the beginning of April (if you can believe it) and continues to be a very happy little boy. John and I say to each other, at minimum, once a day how lucky we are to have him.
My mommy struggle with him at the moment is schedule. We just came off of a week vacation in Whistler where his sleep schedule was WAY off (he didn't want to sleep) and now with the time change. I'm trying to eliminate his morning nap since he's been waking up at 8 a.m. (his normal 7 a.m. before the time change). Since it's later in the morning I thought it might make a good transition to having one nap. The first day was fine, but I can just see him getting more tired during the day and totally zonking out at night. So now I'm second guessing myself. I think he still needs both naps. Although, I really liked having longer stretches during the day to do things - he needs to sleep. :)
BIG NEWS. The latest from our neck of the woods is we're moving in a few months to Salt Lake City!! John's company got another light rail job there and they've asked John to run the project. It's an extension to the airport from the city. People keep asking me if I'm excited for the move and quite truthfully I'm neither excited nor disapointed. It's a great opportunity for John, it gives us an excuse to sell our home and get out of the country life (I miss city life), and SLC is a great place to raise kids. On the other side, we'll be further from our family and good friends (although closer to you Angie!!). The family and friends is a good enough excuse to turn down the offer, but we're hoping and planning to come back. So this will be an experience for a few years (up to four) while Jeffrey is young. SLC is Delta airlines hub so you can usually find a direct flight from most major cities. :) Come visit us!!
As I've mentioned we've been really busy the last few months. Here's some pictures and highlights you can see (mostly of Jeffrey).

December, Jeffrey out with Grammy

January - Jeffrey's first Little Gym class

January - pre haircut

Again, pre haircut

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